
Apollo Victor Hospital

The phone number +91-832-2728888 belongs to Apollo Victor Hospital company. The company office address: Malbhat, Near Margao Railway Station, Margao, Goa - 403601.

The three digit area code (832) indicates that the number was registered in Panji.

If you are calling from Goa you can simply dial 8322728888.
If you are outside Goa region, or find yourself in roaming you should put 0 in front of the number. So you should dial 83-22728888.
If you are calling from another country dial the full number with Goa Area and India Country Codes +91-832-2728888.

Associated Phone Numbers: +91-832-2726272, +91-832-6728888, +91-8975764147

Other companies associated with +91-832-2728888 phone number

Company Address Phone Numbers
Apollo Victor Clinic 1st Floor, Velho Building, Opposite Municipal Garden, Panjim, GOA - 403001 +91-832-6647400
Dr Nilesh A Nadkarni C/O Apollo Victor Hospital, Near Margao Railway Station, Margao, Goa - 403601 +91-832-2720078, +91-832-2726272
Dr A M Kossambe C/O Apollo Victor Hospital, Near Margao Railway Station, Margao, Goa - 403601 +91-832-2720078, +91-832-2726272
Dr Shital Lengade C/O Apollo Victor Hospital, Near Margao Railway Station, Margao, Goa - 403601 +91-832-2720078, +91-832-2726272
Dr Prakash Pispati C/O Apollo Victor Hospital, Near Margao Railway Station, Margao, Goa - 403601 +91-832-2720078, +91-832-2726272
Apollo Victor Hospital Ambulance Services C/O Apollo Victor Hospital, Malbhat, Near Margao Railway Station, Margao, Goa - 403601 +91-832-2726272
Dr Abhinay Borkari C/O Apollo Victor Hospital, Near Margao Railway Station, Margao, Goa - 403601 +91-832-2720078, +91-832-2726272
Dr Savia Rodrigues C/O Apollo Victor Hospital, Near Margao Railway Station, Margao, Goa - 403601 +91-832-2720078, +91-832-2726272
Phone number+91-832-2728888
Company NameApollo Victor Hospital
AddressMalbhat, Near Margao Railway Station, Margao, Goa
Pin code403601
Country calling code+91
Panji Area code832
International call prefix (Exit code)00
Trunk prefix0

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