
Antique Fashion

The phone number +91-80-97307778 belongs to Antique Fashion company. The company office address: Shop no 3/ Shubashirwad Building, Opposite Oriental Bank, Near Karwa Hospital , , Kalyan Road, Dombivli East, Thane - 421201.

The two digit area code (80) indicates that the number was registered in Bangalore.

If you are calling from Thane you can simply dial 8097307778.
If you are outside Thane region, or find yourself in roaming you should put 0 in front of the number. So you should dial 80-97307778.
If you are calling from another country dial the full number with Thane Area and India Country Codes +91-80-97307778.

Phone number+91-80-97307778
Company NameAntique Fashion
AddressShop no 3/ Shubashirwad Building, Opposite Oriental Bank, Near Karwa Hospital , , Kalyan Road, Dombivli East, Thane
Pin code421201
Country calling code+91
Bangalore Area code80
International call prefix (Exit code)00
Trunk prefix0

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