The phone number +91-11-66450824 belongs to Dr Poonam Jain Eye Clinic company. The company office address: Block No Ia,46a, Opposite Montfort School, Main Road, Ashok Vihar I-Ashok Vihar, Delhi - 110052.
The two digit area code (11) indicates that the number was registered in New Delhi.
If you are calling from Delhi you can simply dial 1166450824.
If you are outside Delhi region, or find yourself in roaming you should put 0 in front of the number. So you should dial 11-66450824.
If you are calling from another country dial the full number with Delhi Area and India Country Codes +91-11-66450824.
Phone number | +91-11-66450824 |
Company Name | Dr Poonam Jain Eye Clinic |
Address | Block No Ia,46a, Opposite Montfort School, Main Road, Ashok Vihar I-Ashok Vihar, Delhi |
Pin code | 110052 |
Country | India |
City | Delhi |
Country calling code | +91 |
New Delhi Area code | 11 |
Type | Landline |
International call prefix (Exit code) | 00 |
Trunk prefix | 0 |
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