The phone number 1800-112122 belongs to Trident Hotel company. The company office address: Sahakar Bhavan, Gate No 5, Near Air India Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021.
If you are calling from Mumbai you can simply dial 00112122.
If you are outside Mumbai region, or find yourself in roaming you should put 0 in front of the number. So you should dial 00-112122.
If you are calling from another country dial the full number with Mumbai Area and India Country Codes 1800-112122.
Company | Address | Phone Numbers |
Trident Hotel
![]() |
C 56, G Block, Behind Citibank Building, Bandra Kurla Complex-Bandra East, Mumbai - 400051 |
+91-22-66727777 |
Trident Chennai | No 1/24, Near H P Petrol Pump, Gst Road, Meenambakkam, Chennai - 600027 | +91-4422344555, +91-4422344747, +91-4422346699 |
Trident Hotel | Gate No 2, Opposite To Cyber Towers, Patrika Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad - 500081 | +91-4066232323 |
Trident Hotel | Sahakar Bhavan, Gate No 5, Near Air India Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021 | +91-1124363030, +91-2266324343, +91-2266325757, +91-2266326062, +91-2266326066 |
Phone number | 1800-112122 |
Company Name | Trident Hotel |
Address | Sahakar Bhavan, Gate No 5, Near Air India Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai |
Pin code | 400021 |
Country | India |
City | Mumbai |
Country calling code | +91 |
International call prefix (Exit code) | 00 |
Trunk prefix | 0 |
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