The phone number 16004241600 belongs to BSNL company. The company office address: Gidc Phase I, Naranpura Gaon, Ahmedabad - 380013.
If you are calling from Ahmedabad you can simply dial 004241600.
If you are outside Ahmedabad region, or find yourself in roaming you should put 0 in front of the number. So you should dial 00-4241600.
If you are calling from another country dial the full number with Ahmedabad Area and India Country Codes 16004241600.
Company | Address | Phone Numbers |
BSNL | Hudco Telephone Exchange Building, Khodiar Nagar, Bapu Nagar, Ahmedabad - 380024 |
+91-7922177555, +91-7922703333, +91-7922704545, +91-7922749991 |
BSNL Billing Office | Vanijya Bhavan, Nr Kankaria Railway Yard, Vatva, Ahmedabad - 382440 |
+91-7925451025 |
BSNL | Pushpakunj Door Sanchar Colony, Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad - 380001 |
+91-7922177555 |
BSNL | Central Telegraphs Office Compound, Bhadra, Ahmedabad - 380001 |
+91-7925502139 |
BSNL | 9/1 Mahaveer Complex, Kids Kemp Bldg, K G Road, Bangalore - 560009 |
+91--, +91-0-776199351, +91-0-948154414, +91-73-47642127, +91-75-87796196, +91-76-49805394, +91-77-61993518, +91-78-76526451, +91-8022262397, +91-8022262709, +91-81-49131141, +91-82-75419817, +91-91-82815331, +91-91-94282878, +91-94-04551938, +91-94-10606566, +91-94-13684461, +91-94-15123312, +91-94-23203203, +91-94-34508552, +91-94-41676004, +91-94-49230681, +91-94-55318710, +91-94-58023367, +91-94-80960409, +91-94-81514369, +91-98-36874511 |
Phone number | 16004241600 |
Company Name | BSNL |
Address | Gidc Phase I, Naranpura Gaon, Ahmedabad |
Pin code | 380013 |
Country | India |
City | Ahmedabad |
Country calling code | +91 |
International call prefix (Exit code) | 00 |
Trunk prefix | 0 |
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